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What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a therapy introduced and developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755) in his book “Organon of Medicine”.

Homeopathy is governed by the “Law of Similarity”, infinitesimal doses, and dynamization.

The law of similarity consists in administering that homeopathic medicine which would produce the same symptoms that we want to cure, in a healthy person.

Infinitesimal dilution results from subjecting any substance, of plant, animal, mineral or synthetic origin, to dilution and dynamization processes.

These operations are carried out according to guidelines determined in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeias.

Various types of dilutions are performed, the most common being:
CH or C which are centesimal dilutions.
DH or X which are decimal dilutions.
K What are Korsakovian dilutions
LM: Which are fifty-thousandth dilutions.

As granules are the most common pharmaceutical forms, they are not the only ones as we can also find drops, tablets, crushes, suppositories, drinkable and injectable ampoules.

Most homeopathic remedies lack toxicity.
They do not usually cause adverse reactions except in some cases in which a symptom may worsen at the beginning of treatment, this being a temporary reaction and indicating that the medication is correct.

In our pharmacy, we work with homeopathy in a comprehensive and personalized way.

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a therapy introduced and developed by the German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755) in his book “Organon of Medicine”.

Homeopathy is governed by the “Law of Similarity”, infinitesimal doses, and dynamization.

The law of similarity consists in administering that homeopathic medicine which would produce the same symptoms that we want to cure, in a healthy person.

Infinitesimal dilution results from subjecting any substance, of plant, animal, mineral or synthetic origin, to dilution and dynamization processes.

These operations are carried out according to guidelines determined in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeias.

Various types of dilutions are performed, the most common being:
CH or C which are centesimal dilutions.
DH or X which are decimal dilutions.
K What are Korsakovian dilutions
LM: Which are fifty-thousandth dilutions.

As granules are the most common pharmaceutical forms, they are not the only ones as we can also find drops, tablets, crushes, suppositories, drinkable and injectable ampoules.

Most homeopathic remedies lack toxicity.
They do not usually cause adverse reactions except in some cases in which a symptom may worsen at the beginning of treatment, this being a temporary reaction and indicating that the medication is correct.

In our pharmacy, we work with homeopathy in a comprehensive and personalized way.